Our Vision

Connecting people with Jesus.


At The Bridge Central Coast, our vision is to connect people with Jesus.  Why the name, “The Bridge?” From the beginning we felt God calling us to be:

-a Bridge connecting people to Jesus

-a Bridge connecting young and old (the generations)

-a Bridge of UNITY to the region. 

Our desire when we gather is to create a culture and an atmosphere where people connect with Jesus, grow in their identity in Him, learn to grow in their passion and love for the Word of God, and learn how to do life together as a church family and obediently walk out the calling God has placed upon their lives.  

Our Heartbeat


We seek to honor God and honor people


Excellence for us is not about perfection but about doing everything to the best of our ability.


We believe in moving forward by using our gifts and resources for kingdom expansion.


We are intentional about extending hospitality and friendship to others while never forgetting we are on a mission to reach the lost.


We are formed for the family of God. We seek to serve together, grow together and live life together with a common vision.

Our Culture

Church should not exist to beat you up but to build you up and we believe each time we gather we should leave encouraged and better equipped to live out the mission and purpose God has called us to. Each of our gatherings are intentional in the call of Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how we spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.”

Our Beliefs

We believe there is one true living God, who eternally exists in three persons in unity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the Divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Scriptures.

We believe in the original perfection of creation; the inherent corruptness of humanity through the Fall; the necessity of repentance and regeneration by grace and through faith in Christ alone, and the eternal separation from God of the finally unrepentant.

We believe in the virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, triumphant resurrection, ascension and continuing intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ, His second coming and eternal Kingdom reign.

We believe in the justification and sanctification of believers through the finished work of Christ, their security as they remain in Him, and their future resurrection in an incorruptible body. We believe in the sacraments of baptism by immersion and of the Lord’s Supper.

We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit for believers with supernatural signs, empowering the Church for its mission in the world. We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the building up of the Church and ministry to the world.

We believe in Christ’s leadership of the Church through the ascension ministries of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, for the unity, maturity and growth of the Church.

We believe in the privilege and responsibility of wise stewardship of all that God has given, including the practice of tithing to the local church.

We believe that marriage is ordained by God in Scripture for the exclusive union between one man and one woman, for their mutual help and comfort.